Dress Code Policy
It is important that your child is dressed appropriately for school on a daily basis. The safety and security of the students at William Street School are a main priority. William Street School promotes a dress code that ensures a positive educational environment for your child.
A student's dress, grooming and appearance shall:
- Be safe, appropriate and not present a health or safety hazard to the student or others in the school.
- Not interfere with the educational process. Examples are included in respective building student handbooks.
- Ensure that underwear is completely covered with outer clothing.
- Include footwear at all times. Footwear that is a safety hazard is not allowed.
- Not include headwear in the classroom except for a medical or religious purpose.
- Not include items, including personal protective equipment (e.g., masks), that are sexually explicit, vulgar, obscene, libelous, or which denigrate others on account of race, color, weight, religion or religious practice, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, national origin, ethnic group, political affiliation, age, marital status, military status, or disability
The following are examples of inappropriate clothing but not limited to:
- Short-shorts
- Shirts that cover your shorts completely
- Midriff tops
- Tops with spaghetti straps
- Bathing suits (physical education swim class exception)
- Backless footwear
Students who violate the student dress code shall be required to modify their appearance by covering or removing the offending item and, if necessary or practical, replacing it with an acceptable item. The penalty for infractions against the dress code policy may be but are not limited to:
- Teacher warning
- Opportunity to change clothing and/or footwear in school or by calling home for replacement clothing/footwear
- A call home by an administrator for subsequent violations
- Subsequent offenses may result in disciplinary action